Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's raining bikes!

Sleek new bicycle
A woody rack on the back
The rain is a fool

So I finally was able to get the bike rack I purchased attached to my beach cruiser. It looks amazing, I have to tell you. No wait, I can't tell you I have to show you. It's late but I'm going to go right out there and take a picture so you can see.

Awesome, no? As you can see the back rack is made of wood, giving it that old-school surfer look, which is HOT for Tennessee... like it's so hot it makes no sense. Almost as hot as having a Navy Base here. I would like to give a huge shout-out and thanks to the guys at Peddler Bike Shop on Highland, near The University. They answered my questions about the rack quickly and professionally and then GAVE me the parts I needed to get the rack attached to my bike. GAVE! I will be going back there for all my bike needs, and if you're close enough I would like you to as well ;D They are awesome!

I would also like to point out my new orange helmet, which matches pretty close to the color of the bike. Man I like orange. (New helmet? - Please see older posts regarding contaminated poison oak helmet strap extravaganza '08) I think it just adds to the hotness.

Now, with all these new improvements and additions, and adding the incredible addict-like urge I have to ride since I've been forced to stay off my bike for the past two weeks, I was EXTREMELY excited to ride today. I was psyched, stoked, and ready.

It is raining for the next three days.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Ball of fur in box
Government gives it the drugs
A feline freak out

I went to Psychology class tonight, which has become one of my favorite things to do recently. The teacher is great, as is the material, but what really makes it fun are all the great videos he brings in to class. I have had the opportunity to watch tricks being played on a guy who has had is left/right hemispheres of his brain separated, lab experiements with rats, monkey babies who bond with fake wire-mesh monkey-mothers, and latest and greatest...

... a cat on LSD. If you love cats, then please turn away. I can't be held accountable for your emotional destruction. The cat of course survives, he just gets freaked the fuck out. Enjoy!

PS: Please note the WPAFB tag at the start of the video. Air Force Base? Now that is taxpayer's money put to a use!

UPDATE: While viewing my own video, I found a link to something even better! SPIDERS ON DRUGS! Please enjoy.